
Law on Religious Symbols: What can teachers like Faiza Hussain do?

Law on Religious Symbols: What can teachers like  Faiza Hussain do?
Pictured in the photo above: Faiza Hussain - EMSB Substitute and Resource Teacher
Montreal - Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Faiza Hussain is a graduate of the English Montreal School Board’s Cedarcrest Elementary School and LaurenHill Academy in St. Laurent. All her life she wanted to be a teacher and that is what she studied to become in university. Faiza is presently a substitute / resource teacher at the EMSB and has worked a lot at Sinclair Laird Elementary School in Park Extension. Regrettably she will be directly affected by the Quebec government’s new secularism bill banning religious symbols for teachers, police officers and other public servants in positions of authority. See our video clip with her below.

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