Governance / Community

EMSB Presents its Partnership Agreement Annual Report

Girls holding hands in schoolyard
Montreal - Friday, January 11, 2019

Article 220 of the Education Act requires each school board to report on its partnership agreement in its Annual Report.

The EMSB Partnership Agreement Annual Report informs all of its stakeholders in its territory with an account of the implementation of its strategic plan and the results obtained with regard to the goals and measurable objectives set out in the partnership agreement that was entered into with the Minister of Education on July 1, 2010.

The annual report informs the reader of the board’s objectives and targets set, the context as to why they were set, the results obtained, the board’s interpretation of the results, and the adjustments or corrective strategies to be implemented as a consequence of the results.

The report also analyzes the degree of success of the strategies employed and their contribution to the attainment of the objectives. This allows the Board to identify strategies that are less effective and need to be modified or discontinued. Where there is insufficient progress, the board re-examines once again its educational and organizational practices and determine what new strategies should be developed to increase student success.

This is the last year for the report on the Partnership Agreement. As of next year, the board will be reporting in a very similar way on its Commitment to Success Plan. A formal presentation of this documentation was made at a public meeting on January 10.

You can read it here : Annual Report

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