
COVID-19 Newsletter #13

parents newsletter cover
Montreal - Friday, June 25, 2021

Welcome to the THIRTEENTH EDITION of our COVID-19 newsletter, where you will find information regarding the latest Ministry of Education directives and Public Health guidelines, as well as answers to some of the most frequently asked questions from parents and students.

Please click here to view PDF Version of EMSB COVID-19 Newsletter No:13

The EMSB will continue to implement COVID-19 Ministry protocols.


The 2020-2021 school year has been like no other. We were faced with many challenges in terms of health, well-being and education. As the year comes to an end and the epidemiological situation improves, we would like to thank the EMSB community, specifically students, parents and staff, for collectively working in unison through the pandemic to ensure safety within our schools and centers and the continuity of learning for our students. Your diligent contributions are the reason behind the success of the school year and the safeguarding of both the physical and mental well-being of our entire educational community.


The DRSP is asking schools to track and report positive cases until July 6th.

Parents are asked to continue to monitor their child’s symptoms using the COVID-19 symptom self-assessment tool.

If your child receives a positive result, please notify your school principal without any delay. Kindly check your emails until July 6th to receive any Covid related correspondences, specifically to your child having to self-isolate.


The DRSP and the Ministry of Education encourage everyone above 12 years old to get vaccinated.

If you have reservations about vaccination, we invite you to visit the links below for more information that may help you make your decision.


On June 2nd, the Government of Quebec unveiled the Back to School Plan 2021-2022, which consists of a return to school as normal as possible for students and staff. The plan will be updated at the beginning of August to ensure that it is in line with the epidemiological situation and the progress of the vaccination roll-out.

Please note that the current MEQ return-to-school plan for September is based on the premises that 75% of the population will be fully vaccinated, and that the majority of 12 to 17 years old will have received their second dose and of course, that the epidemiological situation continues to improve. To view the complete plan, visit the following links:

Have a Safe and Restful Summer.

Continue to protect yourself and others from the spread of COVID-19!
It is a collective responsibility.
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