
COVID-19 Newsletter #12

hello spring - parents newsletter cover
Montreal - Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Welcome to the TWELFTH EDITION of our COVID-19 newsletter, where you will find information regarding the latest Ministry of Education directives and Public Health guidelines, as well as answers to some of the most frequently asked questions from parents and students.

Please click here to view PDF Version of EMSB COVID-19 Newsletter No:12

The EMSB will continue to implement COVID-19 Ministry protocols.


As of June 7th, the Island of Montreal will move from a red zone to an orange zone. The zone shift will ease several COVID restrictions, with the most significant impact on Secondary Schools, where students from Secondary III-V are now permitted to attend school full-time.

It is expected that students in Grades 9 to 11 will be able to return to school for in-person instruction on a full-time basis as of Monday, June 7th.

However, in certain schools, the timetable, cycle rotation, population, building size, etc., may not allow the return of Secondary 4 and 5 students on a full-time basis.

As such, schools that began the year with a hybrid model will continue to operate on an alternating schedule (50/50 model) for the Secondary 4 and 5 students. These schools are:

  • Lester B. Pearson
  • LaurenHill Academy
  • Laurier Macdonald
  • Royal West
  • Westmount High
  • Marymount

Please note that for these above-mentioned schools, the Secondary 3 students WILL return for in-person instruction on a full-time basis as of Monday, June 7th.

Rest assured that the EMSB will continue to adhere to all public health directives as we have been doing since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.


On June 2nd, the Government of Quebec unveiled the Back to School Plan 2021-2022, which consists of a return to school as normal as possible for students and staff. The plan will be updated at the beginning of August to ensure that it is in line with the epidemiological situation and the progress of the vaccination roll-out.

To view the complete plan, visit the following links:

Back-to-school 2021-2022 – Covid-19

Back -to-school guide


As per the new directives given by the MEQ, according to the deconfinement plan and in compliance with sanitary measures in force, ceremonies to mark the end of students' studies (graduation, recognition) will be permitted, with the health and safety measures in force. If desired, each school can organize certain activities with the following conditions:

  • Activity must take place at school (indoors or outdoors)
  • Reception room rentals or venues outside the school are not permitted
  • Activity must take place during school hours
  • Activity will involve only students and school staff. The presence of parents must be considered in alternative ways to comply with safety measures (i.e. live broadcast of a ceremony or video recording)
  • Special end-of-class activities are permitted in class bubbles
  • Should photos be taken; they must be done so by class bubble
  • The signing of graduating albums is done with respect to social distancing. Every student must bring their own pen for signing
  • Indoor or outdoor activities that can allow a distance of 2 meters between class bubbles are permitted:
    • If these activities take place indoors, the school will use large spaces available to welcome a certain number of stable class groups at the same time while respecting the capacity to accommodate places and distance between class bubbles
    • If these activities take place on school grounds, the students are grouped by stable class group with a distance between the bubbles
  • Graduation balls will unfortunately not be permitted

Please note that at the June 2nd press conference, Dr. Arruda mentioned that these directives may be revisited. More information may be shared at a later date.


The COVID-19 vaccination organization for 12-17-year-olds is underway and will be coordinated between our High Schools and the CIUSSS’s.

High school students can receive their vaccine at their school or will be bussed to a vaccination clinic. Students who do not attend school at the designated vaccination centres will be transported to the nearest

clinic. The school/school board will plan the transportation, and students will travel with their class bubble. Please note that the CIUSSS’s base their choice on the epidemiologic situation in the community to determine where the students will be vaccinated.

Vaccination of our students will take place between 9 am and 4 pm. Vaccination can also take place at a vaccination clinic as of May 25th by appointment. Depending on age, the student or parent is responsible for booking the appointment and transportation. Appointments can be booked through Clic-Santé.


Students that are 12-13 years old must provide a signed consent form. If they do not have the form, they will not receive a vaccine. Please keep an eye out for more information from your child’s school.

Continue to protect yourself and others from the spread of COVID-19 by avoiding large gatherings and crowded places! 
It is a collective responsibility.
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